Shulman Health and Wellness


Published on March 17, 2017


When it comes to weight loss, having a strong, healthy metabolism is essential. Here are some ways to naturally boost your metabolism and get you feeling your very any age or stage!Do not skip breakfast.  If you don't eat breakfast, you slow down your metabolism and send the body into "starvation mode," thinking it's starving because you're going a longer period of time without food. Be sure to wake up your metabolism with a healthy and nutritious breakfast.Always include protein.  Include protein at every meal to even out blood sugar levels and end the insulin-fat storing roller coaster. Protein is digested and absorbed more slowly than fats or carbs and you burn more calories through its digestion. Your body has to work a lot harder (which takes calories) to digest protein compared to carbs or fats.Water, water, water!!  You've heard it before, but drink those 8-10 glasses of water each and every day. The energy burning process of your metabolism needs water to work effectively and efficiently.Front load your day.  Breakfast should always be your largest meal and dinner should always be your lightest. It is best to avoid eating after 8 p.m., or at least 3 hours before getting into bed. This helps your body process and burn the food when you're awake and moving around. Click here for some easy and delicious meal planning ideas.Incorporate exercise.  3-5 day of exercise each week is an effective boost for your metabolism. If you exercise in the morning, you'll raise your metabolism for the entire day. Aim to get a combination of aerobic and weight resistance training. As a general rule, muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest!Sip on green tea.   Green tea contains a substance called EGCG, which helps rev our metabolisms and promotes fat burning activity. Incorporate 1-2 cups of green tea each day. Get to bed early.  Catch those zzz’s! Sleep deprivation upsets hunger and appetite hormonal balance. When you are sleep deprived, the appetite-suppressing hormones decrease and hunger-increasing hormones increase, causing you to eat more than you need. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.            

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