Shulman Health and Wellness


Published on April 08, 2016

Here are some tips to help put an end to cravings once and for all!

  • Drink sweet herbal teas – chocolate, caramel, iced green teas and sweet fruit teas are all allowed and all count as part of your water intake. Bengal Spice by Celestial Tea is one of my favourites! If you are at Starbucks, they can make you an iced passion tea - just ask for it unsweetened with a splash of lemonade (it's delicious!)
  • Make popsicles with your herbal tea for a frozen treat at night.
  • Have 2 skinny chews. I always recommend pairing your chews with a large glass of water or a cup of tea...the inulin fiber is the chews will expand a bit in your stomach and fill you up.
  • Vegetables are free! If you have the urge to munch, opt for sliced cucumbers, baby carrots, sliced sweet red peppers or celery. You can also make a big batch of vegetables soup to have handy cravings hit.
  • Keep frozen red grapes and blueberries in the freezer. When you feel like a sweet treat at night (or during the day), pop a few in your mouth.
  • Make sure you consume enough protein at dinnertime to fill you up. We recommend 3-5oz at dinner to help keep your blood sugars stabilized.
  • Pop 2 chewable vitamin C...Natural Factors makes a great one.
  • Have a small container of unsweetened applesauce (only 50 calories!)
  • Drink a cup of chicken or vegetable broth (try low sodium if possible)
  • Chew on a piece of gum (aspartame-free!)
  • Brush your teeth

Water melon cut into heart shape.

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