Shulman Health and Wellness

5 Tips for Getting Back on Track after the Holidays

Published on January 03, 2021


December is usually the time of year where healthy habits slip, routine goes out the window and we indulge in our favourite holiday treats. Getting back on track after the holiday season isn't easy, but it is possible by following these 5 simple steps:



Schedule healthy habits back into your life

Make a list of all the things you plan to do to get your life back in order after the disorderly holiday season and schedule these things into your calendar as you would other appointments. Going into the new year, prioritize self-care and treat your workouts as you would an important doctor’s appointment. Make weekly grocery shopping mandatory, not optional!


Review your motivation

Sometimes when our diet and exercise is slipping, it is because we have forgotten why we started making healthy changes in the first place. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to improve your health and reread this list every morning. Another great way to do this is to fill out a daily journal. These are great ways to remind yourself of why you are implementing these health changes at the beginning of each and every day.


Pick ONE habit to change per week and stick with it

All too often we see clients trying to make numerous changes at once which inevitably becomes overwhelming and unmanageable. Pick one or two healthy behaviours to implement per week and stick with them. For example, plan to go on a 30 minute walk every day while listening to a podcast episode and continue this behaviour for an entire week before implementing something else into your routine.


Get inspired!

The best way to get inspired to make change in your own life is to surround yourself with inspiring likeminded people. Do a social media cleanse and unfollow all the accounts that stress you out or make you feel pressured to look or be a certain way. Follow people who are inspiring and make you want to change for all the right reasons. Find Facebook groups that will support you and lift you up. Other ways to draw inspiration are by listening to podcasts, reading self-help books and scouring the internet for health-promoting blogs.


Be realistic with yourself

Setting goals for the new year can be motivating, but only if your goals are realistic, attainable and timely. Re-evulate your goals for 2021 and remind yourself that change does not happen overnight. If you do not know how to set realistic goals, speak with us at Shulman Health and Weight Loss to get you back on track for the new year.



If you would like help getting back into routine with healthy eating and weight loss, reach out to Shulman Health & Weight Loss by email at to speak with Dr. Joey Shulman and her team of Holistic Nutritionists.

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