Shulman Health and Wellness


Published on July 16, 2018


There is a lot to do when the weather is right and most of the time, we find ourselves spending as much time outdoors. Dehydration is very common, especially during these hot, summer days so keep yourself hydrated to stay healthy and safe!

Hydrate like crazy – It is next to impossible to reach a state of optimal health, lose weight and feel energetic while you are dehydrated. For optimal hydration and weight loss – you are looking at drinking 2 L of water per day. You may run to the bathroom quite a bit initially – but that will soon slow down.

Reduce your sugar – Sugar can cause a lot of dehydration so be careful with overdoing your sugar intake during those warm summer days. Swap white sugar for coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey and use less then recommended in recipes. Craving something sweet? Try some fresh, sweet berries as a snack when needed - raspberries, blueberries and strawberries should do the trick!

Eat hydrating foods – Incorporate lots of hydrating, water based foods as much as possible such as:

  • watermelon
  • strawberries
  • cucumbers
  • lettuce
  • spinach
  • zucchini
  • lemons
  • tomatoes
  • celery
  • radishes
  • peppers
  • grapefruit

Reduce caffeine – Caffeine intake can be very dehydrating on our bodies so try and make the switch to lemon water or herbal iced teas this summer. You can also try diffusing your water with mint leaves, lime wedges, berries, cucumber or grapefruit to enjoy throughout the day.

Limit alcohol – Alcohol is a diuretic, which can cause our bodies to loose water (definitely not what we want in this heat!). Limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per week. Make “mocktails” by the pool so you still have a refreshing drink in hand.

Cut back on sodium – Simply put – too much salt can dehydrate you! Reduce your sodium intake as much as possible, especially during the warm summer months. As a salt replacement, try Herbamare (click here). It offers a blend of 14 different herbs, vegetables and spices for the perfect salt substitute.

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